Common Themes

There are three common themes in my courses. First, I emphasize the need for empirical, scientific, data as the foundation for better understandings of public administration theories, management processes, leadership, ethics in government, and anything else we investigate. In each course, I present my Rules for Social Science Research as guidelines (1) for acquiring empirical, scientific, data, and (2) for evaluating the research of others. Click here for a complete list of the Rules for Social Science Research.

Second, I make a case for administration. We need administrative analysis, thinking, and programming for devising administrative arrangements and procedures that (1) bring knowledge to bear on problems and (2) induce and reinforce specialized and, hence, informed personnel to participate effectively in these arrangements and procedures. (See, Victor Thompson, Modern Organization, 1977, p. ix.) One of my contributions to the case for administration is my article, "The Parkinson-Peter Pasquinade" (The Bureaucrat, Summer 1980, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 69-80.)

Third, where appropriate in each course, I discuss Quality management as the best way to manage governments. Principles of Quality Management are identified and applied to various topics; such as public administration theories, management processes and structures, leadership theories and practices, and ethics in government.

Fourth, and consistent with my scientific, Quality management orientation, each course emphasizes the value of system analysis and behaviorism.